A Couple of Different Apps Today

Yearning, Plastic Bullet App
The Plastic Bullet App is seredipitous. You open an iPhoto in that app and you get four variations of effects on the photo. Four pictures on the screen. Hit the rotate button and you get four more -- completely different. You can tap on one, see it larger and even save it or not . . . BUT . . . you can NOT go back. So, if you like it , you need to decide right away and save it. It's savable in three differnt image sizes - pick that first in the iPhone settings preferences. Then you're good to go.
For me, it's nothing to save twelve or fifteen different versions before I get bored seeing them, or can't remember what I've already saved, or worried I've over extended my phone space. See what I mean:
Now actually, I cheated on this next image because even though it IS an iPhone photo, I took it into Photoshop and combined it with a texture layer. It was so great because it formed it's own little ragged edge:
Miniature Horse Farm, Brenham TX
My iPhone photo, Texture by Dogma
You Gotta Be Kidding, ToonPAINT App
Woohoo, I found a new cool app -- well, new to me anyway. It's called ToonPaint and you can turn any photo into a cartoon and paint it or not. I like minimal painting. Here is the original photo I started with:
You Gotta Be Kidding, Original iPhone Photo
Taken at Elkins Lake in Huntsville TX
When you open the iPhoto in ToonPAINT, you have lots of options before you even decide whether or not to paint it. You can vary the line widths and lengths, the shading, etc. This is what I did:
You Gotta Be Kidding, ToonPAINT
Finally, you can decide to paint it -- using your fingers but with varying brush sizes and any color in the rainbow... you select what you want. In the first photo above (the one that opens this post), I colored just the items pertinent to my photo's "story" - No swimming sign and towels which to me, says the children had planned to swim and were disappointed.
I did another couple of things to this photo. I used a couple of filters in Photoshop and made a retro looking version:
You Gotta Be Kidding, Photoshop manipulation
And then I took that version back into Photoshop and used an action from Action Central called, "Sharon's Mats." I used the "Double Mat" action [I got to pick the mat colors and textures] and here is the result:
You Gotta Be Kidding, Matted with Sharon's Mats action
Remember to click on any of the images above to see a much better version of it. (The last two photos look especially nice in a larger size.
If you have an iPhone and you haven't already gotten some photography apps -- DO IT! And if you don't have an iPhone, GET ONE!