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February 21, 2008



Wow So Nice and beautiful colors!!


Love your mail art Sally, they should be in a frame and hanging on the wall.

Sharon at Norah'S

Put off! are you kidding me? I loved the envelope, couldn't see a thing wrong with it. You have the best real postage. I am declaring (for myself) March to be "March Mail Art Month".
Can't wait to see your Nick Bantock inspired pieces.
Oh yes, I still haven't tried the water/ink jet transfer. I clicked back over to reread and think I will incorporate the process into my weekend ART.
Have a great weekend.

Julie Prichard

This is some of the most magnificent mail art I have ever seen! I need to step it up over here! Thank you for the glorious inspiration!!


WOW Sally! I don't know if I'm more excited about winning the calendar or receiving this gorgeous mail art!!! Honestly, I think the mail art wins!!! LOL Right now my scanner won't play nice with Windows Vista, but I'll try to get a scan somehow. Can't wait!!!!!


Your question as to feeling as though you've lost your touch, is one that I can totally relate to. I have been experiencing that lately both with my art and my cooking. Nothing seems to be working out the way it should. Art-wise, I am trying a different medium. Switching back and forth between collage and digital collage seems to be helping somewhat. Not too sure what to do about the cooking though... I may just decide to declare a kitchen strike and refuse to cook until my "mojo" is back! Looking forward to seeing your Nick Bantock style stuff.


These are all quite amazing. The details, the layers, and the blending of the colors are all so intriguing.

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